Yes, students, reading can happen over breaks. And yes, it will help your ACT scores and college applications (by increasing your vocabulary, improving your information retention, and sharpening comprehension)!
What more could you want?
Don’t believe us? Read this :
However, for those of you who do believe us, take a look at these three books that we highly recommend:
1. Moonwalking with Einstein : The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by Joshua Foer
The book follows a year long journey of Joshua Foer training for the US Memory Championships. Under the guidance of the top "mental athletes", Foer masters ancient techniques to memorise entire speeches and books in a matter of minutes and hours, rather than days. It draws on cutting-edge research, explaining the tricks of the trade, allowing us to better understand the techniques between human remembering and how we can all improve our own memory!
Can't remember that last science concept for the ACT? Learn from Josua Foer!
2. When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
At the age of thirty-six, Paul Kalanithi a neurosurgeon, was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. The book chronicles Kalanithi's journey from a young, ambitious medical student, into a neurosurgeon at Stanford, to a patient and finally, a new father confronting his own mortality. The author battles questions regarding the challenge of facing death, and what life can mean in such a situation.
For any of you Atul Gawande fans, the forward is written by him! Read it now!
3. The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas
The book follows the two-worlds of Starr Carter- the poor neighbourhood she was born and raised in and the fancy suburban school she currently attends. When Starr is the sole witness to the shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil, at the hands of a police officer, her world is turned upside down.Khalil’s death becomes a national headline, with people calling him a thug or drug dealer. Protests begin in the community, and local cops begin to intimidate Starr and her family. All everyone wants to know is: what really happened that night?
Order it here!
Get your books today, and celebrate Diwali with pages instead of patakas (haha)!