Questions asking you about the 'most logical' or 'most relevant' option can be quite tricky (or at least confusing enough to make you waste time on them). In the pure grammar questions you can follow reliable rules. So are there such rules for the so called rhetoric questions?

Yes, there are. When students go wrong or get confused, they stop focussing on what the test really tests them on: words and the way words are used to convey ideas. 

The most important rule with these questions is: always stick to the words. There is nothing in the ACT English that cannot be solved with words.

Let's have a look at the question. It wants you to create a effective transition to the rest of the paragraph. So your first job is to find the main point of the remaining part of the paragraph. 

This leads us to another important rule: always exactly do what the question asks you about. If it asks you to create a connection with some other part of the text, you first have to understand what that part is essentially about. 

So, what is the main point of the rest of the paragraph? Look for the important word.

Here the important word is 'reason'. The rest of the paragraph looks at various reasons for having a pen name. 

Now you just have to match this word with a word in one of the options.

What's the word? It gets quite easy at this point. There is only one word that connects to the word 'reason': the word 'why' in option C. Only this option is looking for a reason

So you see; there are rules that can help you to solve this kind of question methodically and without having recourse to following your gut feeling. 


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