These questions have one thing in common: they are very general. They ask you to find the main point of a passage, the tone of the author, or the function of a paragraph. .
The ACT is a multiple choice test. That's great. Imagine you had to find all the answers yourself: what a nightmare! The answers are all there; you just have to eliminate all the wrong ones, but in general questions the options are frequently traps rather than props.
The options are here to mess with your common sense. They try to make you overthink. This is why the most important thing to do when you get to that kind of question is to first make your own answer: DIY, do it yourself!
What's the main point of a passage or paragraph? What's the author's attitude to the topic? Good or bad? You know this. It's all very basic. Just don't go straight to the options; first make up your mind what you would answer if there were no options to chose from. Only then go and check which of the options best matches your DIY answer.
That's how you avoid choosing an answer you would never give yourself. Don't let go of your common sense. One of the most important skills in the ACT reading section is to be able to keep two or three important main points in your head and use them to eliminate nonsensical options.
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