In the ACT, two independent clauses can be joined together using a semicolon. This is the only way in which we can use a semicolon in the ACT.
The formula is: IC ; IC.
(Refresher: an Independent Clause = Subject + Conjugated Verb)
In high school, you are often taught that a semicolon is used to connect any two things that are related, whether they are phrases or clauses. This is NOT correct. A semicolon can ONLY be used to join two independent clauses. In the ACT, the relationship between the clauses does not matter. All that matters is that there must be an independent clause on each side of a semicolon.
Look at the examples below:
Tanvi avoided the question; Ganesh gratefully accepted the food.
S + CV ; S + CV
The man asked where they were going; Tanvi said they needed to get back to Delhi.
S + CV ; S + CV
The man said he had a boat; he could take them up the Ganges.
S + CV ; S + CV
Tanvi jumped at the opportunity; Ganesh grumbled that he wanted to sleep first.
S + CV ; S + CV
In the ACT, if you are not sure whether it is an IC; IC sentence construction, there is an easy way to check. Before the semicolon, there should be a subject (S) and a conjugated verb (CV); after the semicolon, there should be a subject and a conjugated verb.
IC ; IC = S + CV ; S + CV
Have a go at the questions below to see if you’ve got the hang of it. Answers to be revealed tomorrow.
The most famous statue of Freddy Mercury is situated in the beautiful Swiss town of Montreux; placed [1] on the edge of the lake at the end of the Place du Marché. Freddy never got to see the statue himself, however, he spent many peaceful years of his life in Montreux, gazing out at the tranquil waters of Lac Léman.
B. Montreux placed
C. Montreux, placed
D. Montreux: placedA. NO CHANGE
B. himself however he
C. himself; though he
D. himself; however, he